Bac Ends Track Settings
Marmoset BAC Ends   (All Mapping and Sequencing tracks)

Display mode:      Duplicate track
Data schema/format description and download
Assembly: Marmoset March 2009 (WUGSC 3.2/calJac3)
Data last updated at UCSC: 2010-05-28


These tracks contain BAC end read alignments produced by the BLAT alignment algorithm (Kent 2002). The BAC end reads were derived from sequencing the CHORI-259 library.


Source BAC end sequences were obtained from sequencing the CHORI-259 library. For alignments BAC end sequences were aligned to the marmoset assembly using BLAT with parameters -minIdentity 92 -fastMap minScore 100. To ensure unique identifiers for each alignment, only the top match is considered for each read and the match is verified by the Washington University-provided "reads.placed" (374 Mb) file from the Callithrix jacchus v3.2 assembly.


This track was produced by Vivek Appadurai and Pat Minx at Washington University School of Medicine from data submitted to the NCBI sequence read archive.


Kent WJ. BLAT--the BLAST-like alignment tool. Genome Res. 2002 Apr;12(4):656-64. PMID: 11932250; PMC: PMC187518