PGP1_D00_ATAC_hg38_peaks Track Settings
PGP1 D00 ATAC hg38 bed

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Assembly: Human Dec. 2013 (GRCh38/hg38)
Data last updated at UCSC: 2019-10-23 10:35:13


This bigBed file was generated 2019_10_23 by Lauren Wasson ( from the bedfile

These samples were realigned to hg38. They are not lifted over.

This sample is a set of combined iPSC replicates from the following samples and flow cells:

Samples were processed using LKW ATAC-seq pipeline (/n/groups/seidman/lauren/ATAC-seq/scripts/ Peaks were called using HOMER v4.9.3 using the -dnase parameter.